Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Photoshop Projects

Hi guys, that jpeg is my first photoshop project! I used the text tool to get the ONW in there, but the main tool that I used was the opacity tool. I used that to make the ONW and the compass less opaque.
This is the jpeg of my second project, the butterfly. this butterfly was a monarch before I used the magic wand with a high tolerance to select and change the colors of the different patches of the wings. I also used the clone stamp to create a fluttering effect around the wings.
This project is the 3rd that I made in Photoshop. I used a text mask to create to NORTHWEST cutout of the building picture. I also used gradients to make the blue foreground a little more interesting.
This is the fourth and last project that I made in Photoshop. I used vector masks to create the foggy effect, magnetic lasso to pull off the raven head, and clone stamp to get rid of two lampposts and a few cars. You can't even tell they where there!

After using both Photoshop and Illustrator, I can tell why Graphic Designers need both. Each program has it's own strengths ad weaknesses, there are some parts that the other can't even do, and by using both of them Graphic Designers have an arsenal of tools that create almost anything.

Monday, December 15, 2014


So, these screenshots are of my first two websites that I created in Dreamweaver. Even though most of the project was easy, there were a few hard parts. The hardest part was adding in the video and animations. I didn't understand some of the instructions and carrying them out was even harder since I didn't know some of the terms.