Friday, October 24, 2014

Color Schemes

Hey this is Ethan and i've been learning about logos and the colors put into them. If you don't know what I mean, this is a great example.
This is the Tostitos logo, Tostitos is a tortilla chip company and their logo shows creativity and planning. The use of warm colors (red/orange/yellow) helps me think of food and the warmth of the salsa i'm about to eat with these chips. If you look closely, you can see two people sharing chips and salsa. The two Ts make the figures while tine yellow triangle between them is a chip and the red tittle of the I s the bowl of salsa. I think that by using these colors and the hidden picture, the Tostitos logo can easily draw your eye to it and keep you looking. I aupplaud your cleverness, Tostitos. 

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